Vestibular rehabilitation treats balance disorders. It acts on the interaction between vision, the inner ear and the various body sensors. It obtains good results in these three areas of intervention :
- by liberating maneuvers in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), commonly called “crystal disease”
- through rehabilitation based on specific exercises in vestibular pathologies such as vestibular neuritis and others
as well as in many dizziness when indicated.
Determination of the effect of vestibular neuritis on postural control using wavelets and fractal analysis
Determination of the effect of vestibular neuritis on postural control using wavelets and fractal analysisWhat is the effect of vestibular neuritis on postural control? Determining the Effect of Vestibular Neuritis on Postural Control Using Wavelets and Fractal Analysis
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the anterior canal: clinical forms and treatment
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the anterior canal: clinical forms and treatmentBenign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) of the anterior canal is rare. The rarity of this clinical form is probably due to anatomical reasons (common growth of the anterior and...
Dizziness in the emergency room: what place for the clinic and for imaging?
Dizziness in the emergency room: what place for the clinic and for imaging?The acute and isolated vertiginous symptoms, heterogeneous in their presentation, are a frequent reason for consultation in the emergency room and are a source of diagnostic errors. Three main...