
Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917), American therapist is the founding father of osteopathy. He announced the advent of this alternative to American medicine on June 22, 1874.

It is based on 5 biological principles :

  • the interactivity between structure and function
  • vitalism, i.e. the body’s self-healing forces
  • holism which is to consider the body as a unit
  • “the rule of the artery is supreme”
  • the patient and not the disease.

Osteopathy is the art of diagnosing and treating by hand the dysfunctions of the micro-mobility of the tissues of the human body which when disturbed lead to functional disorders that can disrupt the state of health of the organism. Osteopathy is intended for all cranial, vertebral, visceral, myofascial and psychosomatic dysfunctions. Osteopathy has been recognized as a health profession since March 4, 2002. It can be indicated for the following systems :

Condition :

Tired, insomnia, stress, overwork.

Musculoskeletal system :

Most of the reasons for consultation with the osteopath are pain or functional discomfort, which can sometimes follow a trauma or a false movement, and which affects the musculoskeletal system: stiffness, discomfort, acute or chronic pain affecting the lumbar, dorsal or cervical regions of the spine or touching a shoulder, ankle or knee represent the daily life of the osteopath.

The circulatory system :

Headaches or migraines, circulation disorders such as poor venous return, hemorrhoids, edema of the lower limb or even a “restless legs” syndrome can be alleviated by osteopathic treatment.

The nervous system :

Certain disorders and symptoms that affect the nervous system can benefit from osteopathy: headache, dizziness, sciatica, cruralgia, cervico-brachial neuralgia, Arnold’s neuralgia. Certain conditions can also be taken care of by an osteopath, for the benefit of the patient: sleep disorders, fatigue, attention disorders, hyperactivity, anxiety, stress, depression.

Digestive system :

Digestive disorders, both in infants (colic or regurgitation), as in adults (constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gastroesophageal reflux, nausea, difficulty in digesting, irritable bowel syndrome).

Otorhinolaryndologic (ENT) and pulmonary system :

Whether in children or adults, recurrent ear infections, rhinitis or sinusitis, cough, tear duct disorders, tinnitus, dizziness, asthma can be treated by osteopathy.

The gyneco-urinary system :

Chronic urinary tract infections, certain forms of incontinence, or even certain sexual disorders such as dyspareunia can be treated with osteopathy. In women, gynecological symptoms such as irregular or painful periods may be managed. Certain forms of difficulty conceiving a child can also be accompanied by the osteopath. The pregnant woman may also be followed to alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy or prepare for childbirth.


Trauma :

Car accidents, consequences of falls and shocks, fractures, sequelae after trauma, post-surgical work after healing (scar adhesion).

Many pathologies are obviously not the responsibility of osteopathy. Nevertheless, the osteopath can accompany the medical care and help to alleviate the symptoms or the side effects of medical and surgical treatments.

Who can consult?

Osteopathy for infants

During childbirth, the child is subjected to strong constraints which sometimes affect the mobility of the bones of the skull or of the tissues that make up his body. An osteopathic intervention will prevent or treat various symptoms common in infants. When to consult: in case of plagiocephaly (deformity of the skull), colic, regurgitation, nervousness, apathy, sleep disturbances, heavy crying, difficulty turning your head, ENT disease, difficulty eating.

Osteopathy for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the pregnant woman undergoes significant physical changes: the abdominal mass and pressure increase, the spine arches. These changes frequently cause unpleasant symptoms or even disorders that can affect the progress of the pregnancy. During childbirth, body mechanics are put to the test and loss of mobility in the pelvis can make it difficult for the infant to pass through. Osteopathic care will be useful to support your pregnancy and alleviate its inconvenience, as well as to optimize the mobility of the pelvis before childbirth. When to consult: in case of lower back pain, sciatica, nausea or vomiting, acid reflux or difficulty in digesting; during the third trimester in preparation for childbirth.

Osteopathy for children / adolescents

Osteopathic treatment can contribute to the full physical and psychological development of children and adolescents. Specializing in the human body and its mobility, the osteopath intervenes from birth to adulthood to maintain good health and contribute to harmonious growth. When to consult: pain, sports trauma, growth disorders (scoliosis, growth epiphysitis such as Scheuermann, Sever or Osgood Schlatter diseases) ENT or digestive disorders, stress, learning disorders, hyperactivity.

Osteopathy for the senior

As we age, the body experiences natural aging. The skeleton and the joints wear out, the tissues of the body relax in places and stiffen in others. It is also common for pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders or neurological diseases to appear. Whether in general or in the context of a pathology, an osteopathic treatment will allow you to improve your health by helping you recover better mobility, physical ease and comfort of life. When to consult: joint pain and stiffness, neurological pain, headaches or dizziness, difficulty moving or moving, osteoarthritis or rheumatism, cramps, sleep, digestive or urinary disorders (incontinence, difficulties).

Osteopathy for adults

The stresses of everyday life, such as trauma, false movements, situations causing anxiety, surgeries or medical conditions can cause imbalances in the mobility of the joints and tissues that make up the body. Thus, osteopathic treatment can support adults to improve their state of health by restoring their mobility, whether for so-called functional symptoms or as a complement to medicine in the context of a proven pathology. When to consult: lumbar, back or neck pain, trauma sequelae, sprain, tendonitis, neurological pain (sciatica, cervico-brachial neuralgia), headaches, dizziness, stress and anxiety, fatigue and sleep disorders, digestive disorders (abdominal pain , tendencies to constipation or diarrhea, bloating), chronic ENT diseases (ear infections, sinusitis …), genital and urinary disorders (repeated infections, irregular or painful periods, incontinence).

Osteopathy for the athlete

At any age, occasional or regular athlete, amateur or professional, the body is subjected to constraints or even trauma. This results in impaired mobility that can cause pain, functional discomfort or decrease in your performance. Your osteopath intervenes to prevent or treat these disorders linked to sports practice, and to optimize performance. When to consult: joint or muscle pain, tendonitis or periostitis, injury consequences (trauma, sprain, muscle tearing, fracture), functional impairments reducing performance.

Course of an osteopathy session

The sessions last between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

  • First, the osteopath will welcome you and put together a file.
  • He will then carry out an anamnesis: reason for the consultation, medical, personal, additional history (x-ray, scanner) or prescriptions, he will examine them.
  • There follows a clinical examination consisting of numerous mobility tests on the whole body. This exam makes it possible to draw up a report and thus to link the mobility restrictions with your reason for consultation. It can also exclude certain pathologies which are contraindicated for osteopathy. Your practitioner will then refer you to the appropriate specialist.
  • Osteopathic treatment consists of treating the mobility restrictions found during the assessment. Structural, visceral and cranial techniques are used at the level of the different tissues that need them.
  • Once the treatment is finished, the same mobility tests are performed again in order to compare them with those of the initial assessment.
  • our osteopath explains what he did and tells you about possible side effects. Indeed, an osteopathy session can cause side reactions such as general fatigue, feeling of hotness / tension on different areas of the body.

Osteopathy is not covered by social security but some mutuals reimburse it totally or partially.



153 Avenue Achille Peretti
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine


01 47 22 95 39

06 16 13 02 53


Opening time

Monday to Friday : 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Saturday : 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (at the office and at home)


Line 1 : Arrêt Pont de Neuilly, or  Les Sablons


Lines 43, 82 and 174 : Stop to Sainte-Foy


Further information

The practice is located on the ground floor. It is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Means of payment :

Checks or cash Member of an approved association, payment by check is authorized.

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Ordinal registration number : 82875 - RPPS number : 1000587610

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