Labial dyspraxia during swallowing
Labial dyspraxia during swallowing
As part of orthodontic treatment for twins aged 13, the maxillofacial assessment shows primary swallowing with labial dyspraxia
As part of orthodontic treatment for twins aged 13, the maxillofacial assessment shows primary swallowing with labial dyspraxia
In a 40-year-old patient, after performing the Dix-Hallpike diagnostic maneuver demonstrating a Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) of the right posterior semicircular canal, the Semont liberating maneuver is performed, which is a dynamic technique for emptying the affected channel.
The screening for orofacial dyspraxia is a joint effort between orthodontist and physiotherapist. The diagnosis of functional anomalies should be early in order to prevent them from becoming engramed and leading to growth abnormalities.
After carrying out an assessment of the resting posture of the tongue and lips, a functional examination of phonation, swallowing, ventilation and parafunctions. The rehabilitator seeks to put in place a physiological functional scheme to avoid or minimize the dysmorphofunctional cascade that risks taking place.
The rehabilitative care within the framework of orthognathic surgery has a dual objective: optimizing patient comfort on the one hand, and sustaining the stability of the ortho dontico-surgical result on the other hand. Ideally, the physiotherapist should intervene in all stages of the treatment. Preoperatively, he performs a work-up to identify oromyofacial dyspraxias and begins preparatory work for rehabilitation. Immediately postoperatively, it improves patient comfort and function. It then allows recovery of joint amplitudes and helps stabilize the result by avoiding muscle spasms and correcting dyspraxias.
Rehabilitation plays an important part in the treatment of facial paralysis, in particular when these are severe. It aims to direct the resumption of motor activity and prevent or reduce the sequelae (synkinesias, spasms, hypertonia). It is preferable that it be proposed early in order to set up a therapeutic project based on the results of the evaluation coupled, if necessary, with those of the ENMG. When there is surgery, preoperative work is recommended, especially in cases of hypoglossofacial anastomosis and temporal muscle lengthening myoplasty (MAT) where there is transfer of function. We propose to present an original technique aimed at strengthening the sensorimotor loop and cortical control of movements, in particular when using botulinum toxin and after surgery.