Maxillofacial rehabilitation is for children as well as adults. It is used to treat dysfunctions of the jaw, tongue, face, neck and head. Lingual rehabilitation is performed according to the principles of Maryvonne Fournier.
Its field of intervention is wide :
- support in orthodontic treatment manducatorial apparatus
- dysfunction (DAM)
- facial fracture, orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery)
- snoring, sinusitis, Obstructive sleep hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS)
- facial paralysis, hemiplegia …
- speech problem, chewing …

Tongue, ventilation, parafunction from diagnosis to rehabilitation
Language, ventilation, parafunction from diagnosis to rehabilitation: what are the challenges?The screening for orofacial dyspraxia is a joint effort between orthodontist and physiotherapist. The diagnosis of functional anomalies should be early in order to prevent...
Orthognathic surgery: the role of rehabilitation
The rehabilitative care within the framework of orthognathic surgery has a dual objective: optimizing
Rehabilitation of facial paralysis
Rehabilitation plays an important part in the treatment of facial paralysis, in particular when these are severe. It aims to direct the resumption of motor activity and prevent or reduce the sequelae (synkinesias, spasms, hypertonia). It is preferable that it be proposed early in order to set up a therapeutic project based on the results of