Traumatology :
It follows an accident. Depending on the nature of the lesions, fracture, dislocation, sprain and the treatment by immobilization under a splint, plaster or even a surgeon, you will be referred to begin rehabilitation sessions. After an evaluation of the deficiencies caused by the trauma and the treatment, the physiotherapist will propose an adapted treatment which will respect the wound in healing and your recovery objectives.
Orthopedics :
Following a condition affecting the joints and peri-articular structures, functional discomfort and pain require you to undergo surgery which is scheduled – hip prosthesis, spinal arthrodesis … The physiotherapist will intervene postoperatively to improve recovery of impairments and function. The goal is to acquire autonomy as quickly as possible, which is the major objective of surgery. The rehabilitation therapist will adapt his treatment according to the surgeon’s instructions. He will accompany the patient to save the operated area and avoid complications.
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