Masso-physiotherapy is a discipline of health, a clinical science of the human being and an art. It is centered on the movement and activity of the person. It is exercised for therapeutic and concomitant assessment purposes, in particular by means of educational, manual and instrumental techniques. It promotes the maintenance or improvement of physical, mental and social health, disability management and the well-being of people.
The masseur-physiotherapist has recently decided on the number of sessions to be performed and the techniques he wishes to implement. During his care, he performs an assessment in order to adapt the techniques and equipment. In the event of an emergency, the physiotherapist is authorized to perform the necessary rescue actions until the intervention of a doctor. He can also participate in the establishment of sports skills assessments, ergonomic research (gestures and work postures) as well as health prevention.
According to article 5 of Decree n ° 96-879 of October 8, 1996 relating to professional acts and the exercise of the profession, massage-physiotherapy :
- identifies and assesses the potentials and capacity for movement and activity of an individual.
- acts on the body and the various organs and tissues that compose it.
- establishes, re-establishes, develops, optimizes the functioning of the individual with regard to movement in terms of its structures and functions, its activity and its participation in society.
aims to prevent, reduce or compensate for the patient’s impairments, his activity limitations and his restrictions on participation in society, so as to minimize his handicap.
Progress of a massage-physiotherapy session
Physiotherapy consultations require a medical prescription from a doctor. The physiotherapist establishes a physiotherapist diagnosis at the end of which are defined the objectives and the appropriate techniques to be implemented, taking into account the psychological, social, economic and cultural characteristics of the patient, at all ages of life. The sessions take place individually with each patient. Depending on the pathology and the techniques used, the duration varies from 20 minutes to 1 hour. The fees are reimbursed on the basis of the social security pricing which depends on the codification of the act. Some mutuals cover additional health care costs, under the conditions provided for in supplementary insurance contracts.
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