This stimulator consists of a reflective mirror ball illuminated by a light source, adjustable in intensity and focus, thus allowing the surface of the reflected light spots to be varied. This ball is movable around 2 axes of rotation so as to illuminate the entire room, according to the 3 spatial planes: the entire visual field is thus scanned. Each of the 2 axes is driven by a very quiet electric motor to avoid focusing the patient’s attention on the origin of the light source.

These motors can operate in one direction or the other at adjustable speed, and the movement of the 2 axes can be combined; motor and light source can be remote controlled. Optokinetic nystagmus is an ocular motor reflex response to displacement of the entire visual field. The response is spring-loaded nystagmus, the slow phase of which is in the direction of the stimulus and the fast phase is opposite the displacement. Optokinetic stimulation interferes with the vestibulo-ocular reflex and the optokinetic nystagmus thus created acts on the vestibulo-spinal reflex and the postural muscles. The direction and frequency of optokinetic nystagmus can be modulated by varying the direction and speed of rotation of the ball. This vestibular rehabilitation device can treat many rotational dizziness or instabilities and strengthen the function of equilibration.